Your personal information

West Hen Dance Parties are committed to the protection of your personal information in accordance with the principles of the GDPR.

When you make a booking with West Hens we record your name and your contact details. Your contact details will not be passed on to any 3rd party and we will only use your contact details to contact you regarding bookings for West Hens. Your teacher will receive a copy of your phone number to contact in relation to the course/party that you are booked on. West Hen Dance Parties will not use your contact details to contact you in relation to anything outside of our party and tuition services.

When making a payment through our website, the information you provide will only be used by West Hen Dance Parties Ltd and associated partners to process your payment in relation to your booking. These details will not be shared with any third party and will not be stored.

If you sign up to our mailing list we will record your email address and you will receive periodical newsletters from us. Your email address will not be shared with any third party, and emails will be relevant to our services. (Always wedding, dance, party/ celebration and occasionally fitness related). You may unsubscribe with ease at any time.


You agree that West Hen Dance Parties, and its freelance choreographers, partners and employees, will not be liable to you for any claim or demand, including reasonable solicitors’ fees, due to or arising from your lessons with West Hen Dance Parties.

Intellectual Property Rights

All dances and choreography shall be copyrighted and the copyright shall remain with the Choreographer. A licence will be granted to the First Dance Client and West Hen Dance Parties to use the choreography/First Dance at no additional cost.

The Clients confirm that they have, or do not need, permission to use the music for the First Dance.


West Hen Dance Parties may terminate this Agreement by giving 24 hours notice.

West Hen Dance Parties may terminate this Agreement immediately should the Clients be in repudiatory breach of contract.

First Dance Clients may terminate this Agreement by giving 48 hours notice subject to and the forfeiting of the deposit any cancellation charges.

Information collected automatically

When you visit our website we automatically collect some technical information about your visit. This is not personal information, but includes your IP address, the type of browser used, the duration of your visit and the pages visited. We use this information to improve the navigation and accessibility of our website. If you access one of the secure areas of the website we record some details of your visit and we use this information to look for ways to improve the service we offer you.

The use of Cookies

A cookie is a small text file that is stored temporarily by your browser and used by the website you are visiting to remember you throughout your visit to that website. West Hen Dance Parties uses session (non-persistent) cookies to identify you when you log into a secure area and thereby avoid the need for you to repeat the entry of your password as you navigate around the secure areas of the website. The cookies are deleted as soon as a session is ended.

West Hen Dance Parties also uses persistent cookies to store non-personal details when you visit our website. This enables us to find out whether your computer has visited our website before by checking to see, and finding, the cookie left there on the last visit. Using these cookies we are able to examine and analyse, in an anonymous and aggregate way, how our websites are used in order that we can improve the layout, navigation and accessibility of the websites.


Our website contains links to other websites, and this data protection policy does not apply to those websites. If you transfer to another website you should read their data protection statement for their policy on the use of personal information.

Entire Agreement and Applicable Law

This Agreement sets out all of the terms between West Hen Dance Parties and the Clients.

This contract shall be governed in accordance with the laws of England and English Courts shall have jurisdiction in relation to the Agreement.

Copyright 2024 by West Hen Dance Parties Ltd.

All rights reserved